Monday, April 18, 2011

Prom Quotes of the Week

What kind of advice would you give a guy who wants to ask someone to the prom?

“I would tell him to think of something she enjoys and incorporate a cute way of asking her. There is really no best way to ask, every girl is different.” Steven Hilton, senior

“Send a flower and a balloon every period then at the end of the day stand up in class with a sign that says ‘Will you go to prom with me’ then hand her a flower.” Josh Rogers, senior

“Be creative and ask whoever you want to. The best way I have seen is when Dawson Gould spray painted a puzzle that said “prom?” and gave it to a lucky girl.” Matthew Brown, senior

“I would light a bunch of candles and spell out ‘prom?’ with them. Then just hope she says yes.”
Taylor Nunn, sophomore

What is the best part of Prom?

“The best part is getting dressed up and ready to go with your friends.”-Anna Farmer, senior

How did you ask your date to the prom?

I asked Megan Schmitz to prom when she was pulling into school. I had some of my friends hold up a sign that said “Prom?” and I gave her flowers. –Sam Olson, junior