Friday, April 22, 2011

If your life had a theme song, what would it be and why?

"My theme song would be Don’t Stop Believing, because I think it is important never to give up. If we don’t have hope for the future, there is nothing to keep us going.” – Alex Kraemer, senior

“I think I would have to write my own song, because I don’t think I’d be able to pick one that could explain my whole life.” – Elizabeth Rackovan, senior

"Fifteen by Taylor Swift. It’s perfect for me, I’m fifteen and I have a red headed best friend!" – Olivia Dahl, sophomore

"Friday by Rebecca Black. I kick it in the front seat everyday. Especially on Fridays where I like to go party’ in party’ in, YEAH!" – Blaine Smith, sophomore

“My theme song would be Until the end of Time by 2pac. I like it because most artists don’t have a purpose when they’re writing their songs, they’re just dumb, but 2pac always does." - Nick Sheets, senior

“Ummm if our lives had a theme song it would be a Ke$ha song because we like to have fun! Oh and "the party don’t start till we walk in!” Coleman Barth and Izaak Tobin, sophomores