Friday, February 25, 2011

Madwoman of Chaillot

By Adrienne Wilson

With a thick plot and interesting characters, the French comedy “The Madwoman of Chaillot” is a must see.

Senior Haley Karlson, who plays the lead role, “The Madwoman,” reveals a snippet of the play, which is based in Paris in during post World War II.

“My role, the Madwoman of Chaillot, also known as the Countess, is an eccentric, kind-hearted, wise, clever old woman who attempts to do away with all the evil of the world,” Karlson said.

A four-year thespian at Silverton High School and president of the Silver Masked Thespian Society, Karlson said it was a challenge to tackle this character and “a joy, because it is the deepest and most multi-dimensional character I've ever played, and it has allowed me a chance to really grow as an actor.”

The play is: 7 p.m. Feb. 25 and 26; 2 p.m. Feb. 27 and 7 p.m. March 3, 4 and 5 at Silverton High School Theatre, 1456 Pine St. Tickets: $5 for adults, $3 for children and seniors.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What do teens do on weekends?

The Fox's Howl staff asked classmates what they do on the weekend. Here's what teens shared:

“During the weekend, I spend most of my time at home or at my aunt's house because she lives next door. I like to stay and play on our new Nintendo WIii for about a half hour and then I check my Facebook for about an hour. I also like to walk my dor or go out with my parents to eat somewhere.”
Daniela Perez, freshman

“On weekends, I like hanging out with friends and getting outside, doing things like ultimate Frisbee and capture the flag. When I'm not with my friends, I'm with my family; we have a lot of fun hanging out together."
Emily Doerfler, junior

“On the weekends, I enjoy living it up at Mount Hood Meadows also known as Shredows. Nothing better than boarding with a group of friends. Mission of Hope is also another outlet for my time on the weekends.”
Morgan Coxen, sophomore

On a typical weekend, I sleep a lot about 11 hours, hang with friends, exercise, chores, homework and Facebook, watch TV. It's not very exciting but it's what I do.”
Jordan Dooley, junior

“On the weekends, I do a variety of things. It varies weekend to weekend as well. Most weekends I have a party to go to that I hang out with friends. I also like to play Xbox 360 with my friends and family. When I have homework on the weekends I usually wait until the last minute to do it, but I usually get it done.”
Kelsey Rosborough, sophomore

"I sleep a lot, read all kinds of books depending on which one I have, listen to a variety of music, besides country, spend the weekends at Ruth Hernandez’s house, I like to watch comedy and horror movies, and eat out. I love going to Jamba Juice."
Alex Buckout, sophomore

"I sew as much as I possibly can. I design and construct aprons to sell. I hope to start my small business by July. I want to have my own booth at Homer Davenport Days. I enjoy most of sewing, but hemming takes forever. My favorite part is the feeling of making something beautiful that didn’t ever exist."
Emily Pelletier, sophomore

"Mainly I just sit around and relax. Every other weekend I hang out with Carin, my girlfriend. We swing dance together; we dance until the cows come home. When it's icy, we dance on ice puddles. At Oregon State, we are going to take dance classes together."
Aaron Leedham, senior

"I have dance team all weekend, and every other Friday we have Wyldlife club that I help out with. WyldLife is at 7 p.m. at Mark Twain. We play basketball and music, then we have a skit, play crazy games, then we have a message, and then we play basketball until the middle schoolers get picked up.
Faith Moen, senior

"I work on Saturdays at Kraemer Farms pulling old grape veins off of the trellises. Then I watch Saturday Night Live with my girlfriend. On Sundays I usually do homework and hang out with family."
Alex Kraemer, senior

"On the weekends, I usually go to volleyball tournaments. I have to get up early, at around 4 a.m., to go to the tournament. We play lots of volleyball games, and referee other games. When I’m not playing, I usually eat something, because I don’t know the next time I’ll get a chance to eat. Also, I sleep and hang out with my teammates."
Audrey Anderson, freshman

"I work at the Glockenspiel Restaurant at least one night during the weekend, where I work as a hostess and a busser. Normally, I seat people, serve water, clear dishes and tables, and reset the tables. I hang out with one friend over the weekend, and we go see a movie or just hang out. I also hang out with my boyfriend."
Bonnie Cramer, senior

"I spend some of my weekend painting. I like to paint people and abstract, flowery pieces. I also like to spend time outside, where I like to run and ride my horse. I’ve had my horse for three years now, and he’s really old. I also go to church on the weekends."
Mona Kaufman, senior

“I work for my grandma for about two hours, cleaning her house and doing other chores just on Saturday. Then Sunday I go to church.”
Olivia Andvik, junior

"Mostly volleyball tournaments, I read a lot, and do random stuff. I run errands, like going to the store to get the food I like. I sleep a lot and watch movies like thrillers.”
Hannah Butsch, junior

“Sleep until one in the afternoon. Go on the Internet for five hours. Youtube, Facebook, the works. Then I go back to bed.”
Kate Hammelman, junior

“It depends on what day it is. A bowl of Ben and Jerry’s and watch some good television keeping my feet warm with fuzzy slippers. I spend a lot of time texting people too. Also, hanging out with my friends and karaoke is my favorite!”
Talia Wulfers, sophomore

"Practice my Ninja skills and dream about Miranda Roth and our future together."
Ross Martinson, sophomore

"On the weekends I go to OHSET drill team. We have a team of six people and we work on our drill pattern. If you have ever been to a rodeo you may have seen us. We ride around on our horses with the flags basically. I go on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. It gives me something to do and I get to interact with other people."
Hailey McCarty, sophomore

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meet a Fox- Taylor Unger

Interviewed by: Adrienne Wilson


Name: Taylor Unger

Grade: Junior

Activities: Loves her horse, hanging out with friends, music, and OHSET.

Where do you see yourself after high school? “College, but it is undecided. Probably Oregon State University.”
If you could sum up yourself in one sentence what would it be? “Oh, I don’t know... Spontaneous, wild child.”

Are there any songs you could listen to over and over and it never gets old? “Love like Woe,” “Just what I needed,” “Shot,” and “Living on A Prayer.”

What’s been your best memory here at Silverton High School so far? “Going to Happy Jing for lunch during finals with Adrienne Wilson and Shiree Hessel, because in the middle of a crappy day of finals I got to eat some good food and hang out with my best friends.”

What’s your favorite season? Why? “Summer. You get to sleep in, there’s no school, and you get to play all the time.”

Do you have a motto you live by?
“I am my own kind of Asian. Basically I’m my own person.”
Do you have a favorite event you do in OHSET? What is it? “Four man drill team, it’s where you have four riders and you complete a pattern of different moves. You dress- up horses and ride to music.”
What’s your favorite thing about OHSET? “Being able to support my school by doing what I do best.”

What’s the best part about high school? “Going home, and seeing my friends.”

Who’s your favorite teacher? Why? “Mrs. Boyd because she is funny and her accent makes it even better.”

What’s your favorite TV show? “That 70’s show. I love Kelso.”

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? “I truly am a little kid at heart.”

If you were stranded on an island what are five things/people you would bring? “My two best friends Adrienne and Shiree, a boat, fishing poles, and a gun.”

If you could live in a different time period, what would it be and why? “Cowboy era, that’s when a guy really knew how to treat a girl, plus they’re really hot.”

Any life tips? “Try to be on time. It makes life a lot easier.”

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why? “Shape shifting, because you can change into whatever you want. I could change eye color and outfits whenever I wanted.”

Meet a Fox- Stephanie Russ

Interview by: Lindsey Elmore


Name: Stephanie Russ

Grade: Freshman

Activities: varsity soccer team

What do you wish to accomplish after high school? “I really want to go to college and probably get a degree in architecture or interior design.”

What’s the scariest thing you have ever done? “Well, I went on this roller coaster at Busch Gardens. It was really scary. It takes your breath away, and your stomach leaves you.”

What’s your favorite subject? Why? Well I’d have to say science because; I understand it and I enjoy Mr. Brueckner’s class. I also like it because it’s a “challenge.”

What’s you’re biggest fear? Why? “I really don’t like scary movies because I have an “over active imagination” and they are just well, scary.”

What’s your guiltiest pleasure? “My guiltiest pleasure? Hmm. Maybe watching episode after episode of Friends on a very nice sunny day. It's one of my guiltiest because I could be outside exercising or helping with chores out in the yard, but instead I sit inside.”

If your house was burning down what is one last thing you would grab and why would you pick that item? “My family would be out of the house right?? I think I would take, hmm, this is a hard one. I would take a letter my grandma wrote me last year, that means a lot to me. My grandma is my best friend and I have spent so many days with her, and she has a very special place in my heart.”

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meet a Fox: Kyle Michael

Interview by Heather Ferdinand

Kyle Michael: Age 16

Activities: Video games, hanging out with friends, Young Life, the local youth group.

Who taught you to ride a bike? – “My dad taught me to ride a bike and I think I was about three.” Kyle was really scared at first but soon got used to it. He also fell a lot, but he always got back up.

Outside of school, what do you do most? -“Ummm, I mostly sleep. But I also spend a lot of time with my Young Life group.” Michael said when he is not sleeping or with the Young Life group he hangs out with his other friends.

What is your favorite class and why? – Kyle’s favorite class is “History Through Film.” The one thing that makes him like the class is Mr. Sigado, the teacher. “He just makes it super fun,” Kyle said.

Are you a “Facebooker”? How much?-Yes, I am on all the time. I’m always updating something. I use it so much because I have it on my phone so it makes it super easy to access.”

What’s your biggest fear? – “My biggest fear would definitely have to be heights!” He is afraid of falling, but it is looking down and seeing how high up he is that scares him the most.

Where is the best vacation spot in your opinion and why? – Cancun, Mexico is the best! “When I went, me and my family got some cool all inclusive bracelets, and we basically got whatever we wanted.” He said he really enjoyed himself!

Do you go to a lot of sporting events at our school? – "Yes! I’m always there if I can be. I love cheering for my Foxes. The best is when the whole crowd gets into it. That’s what makes the sporting events good and makes me want to go to more."

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? – “Anything my mom cooks.” Her Spaghetti is just “terrible!” It is the only thing she knows how to make and it’s the worst.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Silverton FBLA results

Silverton High School's FBLA members competed at the Willamette Valley Regional Skills Conference hosted at the high school by the Silverton chapter and Rachael Miller, Willamette Valley Regional Vice President.
The following Silverton High School students will represent Silverton at the State Business Leadership Conference in the following events:

Desktop Publishing: Lauri Miller and Rachael Miller
Business Procedures: Lauri Miller
Business Communications: Emily Duda
Personal Finance: Emily Duda
Job Interview: Katie Huff
Business Math: Jonathan Sisley
Cyber Security: Dylan Dunigan and Jonathan Sisley
Word Processing I: Maggie Klecker
Word Processing 2: Katie Huff
Sports Management: Derek Bright

The following members also will compete in the state competition in the following events:

Community Service Project: Lauri Miller, Devin Thomas and Christa Kuenzi
Business Presentations: Dakota Loberg, Emma Brock, and Michael Mueller
Electronic Business Portfolio: Emily Utter
Job Interview: Courtney Blanchard
Chapter Website: Dylan Dunigan
Chapter Annual Business Report: Emily Utter
Chapter Scrapbook: Brianna Zollinger