Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet Mr. SHS Contestant- Riley Davis Aman

By Elizabeth Rueda

What made you want to do Mr. SHS and what do you hope to get out of it? “Last year I helped set up for Mr. SHS and saw that it was a fun way to raise money for Medical Teams International, so this year I decided to be a part of the show to help raise even more funds for MTI.”

What are your plans after High School? “I am going to Oregon State University to major in Chemical Engineering.”

What do you think the ideal for marriage is and why? “I think the ideal age for marriage is about 24, because by then both people will be out of college and beginning to settle down for their lives.”

What is your idea of a truly romantic evening? “A picnic by the pond, or anything that my future girlfriend would like."

If your house was on fire and you could only grab five things before leaving, what would they be? "Five cents."

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? “Bacon, because of it’s obvious health benefits, they would keep me lean no matter how much I ate it.”

If you could have just one superpower, what would you want it to be? “Chuck Norris, enough said.”

If you could meet one famous person dead or alive, would it be? “Chuck Norris, so I could have a battle to the death with him using my newly acquired superpowers."

What is your earliest memory? “My earliest memory is from preschool. We used to get bowls of toilet paper soaked in water and play with it by making shapes and stuff out of it.”

If you could be an animal, which animal would it be and why? “A flying squirrel, because they’re awesome. They can run and fly.”