Thursday, February 17, 2011

Meet a Fox- Stephanie Russ

Interview by: Lindsey Elmore


Name: Stephanie Russ

Grade: Freshman

Activities: varsity soccer team

What do you wish to accomplish after high school? “I really want to go to college and probably get a degree in architecture or interior design.”

What’s the scariest thing you have ever done? “Well, I went on this roller coaster at Busch Gardens. It was really scary. It takes your breath away, and your stomach leaves you.”

What’s your favorite subject? Why? Well I’d have to say science because; I understand it and I enjoy Mr. Brueckner’s class. I also like it because it’s a “challenge.”

What’s you’re biggest fear? Why? “I really don’t like scary movies because I have an “over active imagination” and they are just well, scary.”

What’s your guiltiest pleasure? “My guiltiest pleasure? Hmm. Maybe watching episode after episode of Friends on a very nice sunny day. It's one of my guiltiest because I could be outside exercising or helping with chores out in the yard, but instead I sit inside.”

If your house was burning down what is one last thing you would grab and why would you pick that item? “My family would be out of the house right?? I think I would take, hmm, this is a hard one. I would take a letter my grandma wrote me last year, that means a lot to me. My grandma is my best friend and I have spent so many days with her, and she has a very special place in my heart.”