Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meet a Fox: Kyle Michael

Interview by Heather Ferdinand

Kyle Michael: Age 16

Activities: Video games, hanging out with friends, Young Life, the local youth group.

Who taught you to ride a bike? – “My dad taught me to ride a bike and I think I was about three.” Kyle was really scared at first but soon got used to it. He also fell a lot, but he always got back up.

Outside of school, what do you do most? -“Ummm, I mostly sleep. But I also spend a lot of time with my Young Life group.” Michael said when he is not sleeping or with the Young Life group he hangs out with his other friends.

What is your favorite class and why? – Kyle’s favorite class is “History Through Film.” The one thing that makes him like the class is Mr. Sigado, the teacher. “He just makes it super fun,” Kyle said.

Are you a “Facebooker”? How much?-Yes, I am on all the time. I’m always updating something. I use it so much because I have it on my phone so it makes it super easy to access.”

What’s your biggest fear? – “My biggest fear would definitely have to be heights!” He is afraid of falling, but it is looking down and seeing how high up he is that scares him the most.

Where is the best vacation spot in your opinion and why? – Cancun, Mexico is the best! “When I went, me and my family got some cool all inclusive bracelets, and we basically got whatever we wanted.” He said he really enjoyed himself!

Do you go to a lot of sporting events at our school? – "Yes! I’m always there if I can be. I love cheering for my Foxes. The best is when the whole crowd gets into it. That’s what makes the sporting events good and makes me want to go to more."

What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten? – “Anything my mom cooks.” Her Spaghetti is just “terrible!” It is the only thing she knows how to make and it’s the worst.