Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meet Our Staff

By Grace Hansen

Maria Clark’s room is a creative blend of turquoise and orange.

“I really like decorating things, I want to be an interior designer,” Clark, sophomore, said.

That isn’t her only gift though.Clark has been playing volleyball for eight years and decided to give tennis a try this year.

“A bunch of my friends decided to do it, so I thought that I could give it a shot,” Clark said.

As an only child, Clark has two cats that keep her company.

“I love cats,” Clark said. “Gucci is grey and hyper, and Guene is white and just sleeps a lot.”

Clark, a girl who feels that there is no need for high school drama and gossip, admires her cousin Julia.

“She is nice to everyone and she is just focused on what’s really important in life,” Clark said.

Clark joined the Fox’s Howl this semester and has already been an asset to the team by contributing stories about fellow classmates and senioritis.

“English is my favorite subject because I enjoy writing,” Clark said.