Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet Mr. SHS Contestant - Nolan Manning

By Maria Clark

What’s your ideal marriage age and why?
"35 because you have time to get a good job but you're still young enough to keep up with any kids you’ll have."

What do you want to do once you get out of high school?
"Go to college at U of O and explore somewhere tropical."

If somebody handed you a magic lamp and gave you three wishes, what would they be? "That there were no rules on my wishes. An unlimited number of wishes and that I’d have an old lime green muscle car."

What does a good friend mean to you?
"Someone that I can hangout with for a long time, as well as someone I can bring any problems I may have to them."

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
"Pizza, there are so many variations of it, I could eat it forever!"

How long have you been planning to do Mr. SHS? "Since the beginning of senior year."

Why do you want to do it?
It sounds like fun and I like competition.

Anything exciting you can tell me about the show this year? "Eight dudes and their escorts."

What’re you thoughts about the presentation you saw for Medical Teams International? "It really gave me a better reason to do Mr. SHS."

What do you think qualifies you to be the next Mr. SHS? "I am tall, as well as smart, intelligent and fun to be around."

What’re your hopes for the show? "That nobody eats it during the dance and that a lot of people come."