Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet Mr. SHS Contestant- Gavin Paul Knox

By Amanda Maddux

What is your idea of a truly romantic evening? "Going on a long coastal hike, then walking down to the beach to watch the sun go down and building a fire as darkness falls. Then eating at a good restaurant in a big city and having some sort of philosophical discussion."

What has been your scariest dream? "The scariest dream I can remember was before an audition, I had to prepare a choreographed dance with only a few hours to do so. I woke up and for a while, I kept trying to plan it and then realized it was actually happening. I'm sure I've had scarier dreams, but I’m terrible at remembering them."

What are your plans for after high school? "My plan is to get a degree in Theater arts and Middle Eastern studies at Southern Oregon University and Whitman College. Then I hope to become an actor as well as go on some sort of exchange program in the middle east of Asia."

If somebody handed you a magic lamp and gave you three wishes, what would they be? "The ability to teleport, to be able to speak all the languages of the world, and to fully understand metaphysics and mathematics. It would save me a lot of spare time and would relieve a lot of stress from my life."

Why do you want to participate in Mr. SHS? "I mainly want to do it because I enjoy making people laugh and I like being up on stage in front of people. Also, I enjoy that it is all going to a good cause."

What do you think qualifies you to be the next Mr. SHS? "I think that I am qualified for the job, because I am an open and compassionate individual. I simply think that all leading figures should possess these qualities. I am also ridiculously charming and witty."