Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Meet Mr. SHS Contestant - Hayden McLean Chandler

By Lindsey Elmore

What is the ideal age for marriage?
The ideal age for marriage is 25 years old. After high school you have five years of selfish decisions: collage, social life, independence. Then you have two years of getting settled in to a routine and meeting someone that you’ll be with for the rest of your life.

What is your idea of a truly romantic evening?
An evening that I’ve planned weeks ahead only to have it fall apart, but that doesn’t matter because she loves me anyway.

What has been your scariest dream?
Ever since I was five I have had chronic evil pirate nightmares. They happen around every one and a half years. I have no clue why…

What do you want to do once you get out of high school?
I want to go work in Alaska and then go to college.

If somebody handed you a magic lamp and gave you three wishes, what would they be?
1: A time machine (that only I could use).
2: A pet kangaroo (extremely intelligent).
3: A single engine plane

How long have you been planning to do Mr. SHS?
I have been planning on doing Mr. SHS since my freshman year when I watched Eathen Herpp and Kyle Amen perform glow in the dark ping pong.

Why do you want to do it?
I wanted to do it because I wanted to have a lot of fun my senior year and figured why not.

Do you have any ideas for your talent yet?
Yes I do… you will have to come to the show if you want to see it.

Anything exciting you can tell me about the show this year?
This year Mr. SHS is going to be awesome because the group involved is a lot of fun and we are all very good dancers.

What are your thoughts about the presentation you saw for Medical Teams International?
The presentation was very inspiring. I hope that I can help raise awareness and contribute to their cause.

What do you think qualifies you to be the next MR. SHS?

I have the talent, the charm, and the looks, and I am modest.

What are your hopes for the show?
I hope that we all raise tons of money to send to MTI and that everyone comes to watch and have a great time.