Friday, October 22, 2010

Meet a Fox

Interview by Paetra Randall

Name: Hannah Bennett
Grade: Freshman
Activities: Work for Scan-TV

If you could be any animal for a day which one would you be and why?
"I would be an exotic bird because they are pretty and they fly."

If you could have three wishes granted what would they be?
"Money, world peace, and probably ask for more wishes."

What’s one thing many people don’t know about you?
"I am pretty easy to talk to."

What’s your favorite song of all time and why?
“Amos Lee-Colors” this is my favorite song because I have a lot of good memories with this particular song."

What’s your first thought when you wake up in the morning?
“Don’t want to wake up, not now.”

Are you a collector of anything?
"I guess I would have to say bracelets."

Have any hidden talents?
"I can sing pretty well."

What’s the first thing you notice in the opposite sex?
"I tend to notice the eyes because it the first thing I see when I met someone."