Monday, September 20, 2010

First Time Voters

By Erin Kelley
Assistant Editor

Senior Casey Dettwyler, who has turned 18 years old and is already registered, is planning on voting in this year’s election.

“It’s pretty important to be able to vote. I’ve always dreamed of being able to vote, to step up to help our country,” Dettwyler said.

Turning 18 years old is a milestone in a senior's life, moving from childhood to adulthood. One of the biggest privileges that comes with becoming an adult is having the opportunity to vote. Oregon’s election is right around the corner, Nov. 2. To be able to vote, students must turn 18 years old by the day of the election, and must be a registered voter.

To register, students must fill out a voter registration card, available at the county election office, the DMV, the post office, and other state agencies. The last day for new voters to register is Oct. 12. Students can register when they turn 17 years old, and aren’t required to be 18 years old by the registration deadline. After registering, students won’t get their ballots until after they turn 18 years old.

Senior Anny Ilisoi, who turns 18 years old in October, is planning on voting come November.
“I’m going to look at the candidates’ views, and I’ll choose the one that most closely matches mine,” Ilisoi said.

Dettwyler also plans on researching the candidates to determine their qualifications before she votes.

“I’ll vote similarly to my parents, not because they vote like that, but because I believe the same things,” Dettwyler said.