Monday, December 13, 2010

Graduate Gives Words of Wisdom

advice by SHS Graduate-Justin Thomas

If you are serious about college and you don't want to be in debt, get into Mrs. Fisher's Office and apply for as many scholarships as you can.

Advice for applying to colleges. Apply to a lot. Competition between schools gives you a bargaining chip.

Advice to the cocky know-it-alls. Don't expect people to throw money at you just because you have great grades. When you get to college, you are going to be amongst hundreds of equally or better qualified students. You have to keep working at it.

Advice to the adventurous. There are other ways to make it without going to college. You have to be realistic and hardworking if you want to make your way in the world without the benefit of a diploma, but it is possible. Whatever you do, make sure you know WHY you are doing what you're doing, and if it is what you truly want. You're adults now. Take other adults advice with a grain of salt.