Friday, December 10, 2010

Historic Food Drive

Silverton High School’s Future Business Leaders of America students Lauri Miller, Christa Kuenzi and Devin Thomas led one of the largest food drives in the history of the school.

More than 1,700 pounds of food were collected consisting of about 1642 various items. All items were donated to Silverton Area Community Aid, the local non-profit food bank.

Miller, Kuenzi and Thomas would like to thank the students and staff of Silverton High School for their commitment on helping fight hunger in our community.

The Food Drive kicked off with an assembly on Nov. 10. The focus of the assembly was on food instability in our community and helping the students become more socially aware about this immediate problem. The top 10 most wanted food times were announced, including: pasta, pasta sauce, chili, peanut butter, vegetables, macaroni and cheese, soup, tuna, fruit, and cereal.
FBLA members Thomas, Miller and Kuenzi are presenting this project entitled, “Freedom From Hunger” as their Silverton FBLA community service project for state competition held in April in Portland.